Sunday, July 11, 2010

In other news...

Brett and Hilary ran the 5K and made a great showing.  Looked cute, had great form and enjoyed it too.  Their time of 32:16 is the current Drewry Record.

Looking pretty chipper on the way out.  As they headed for the finish, it was all about smoking the competition, and they did.

Congratulations on a good run!


Amy Chalmers said...

Thanks for putting me on your blog roll! Nice job running the 5K...and you have a beautiful family.

Renée said...

Hi Jo,

Thanks for the visit and I'm glad you are making low-carb a lifestyle too. I has worked for me. Another great blog of interest to low-carb life-stylers is on my blog roll, Kalyn's Kitchen. Good luck to you and love all of your adorable little grands!